Friday, January 19, 2007


I'll start writing something I call snapshots here. Not right away, but they'll pop up from time to time.

I'll label them as such to make it easier to set them apart.

As the rewriting part of my work comes closer I've identified a few major problems with the WIP as it stands now, and a couple of them effectively shuts down the outlining of my next book.

The snapshots are mainly to get me back on track again.

Expect 200 to 1000 words long scenes. No real story as such, but the scenes will be set within the time frame of my main story. I get a setting and a reference to an event written and you'll have a piece of the world where the real story takes place.

And yes, I know. First publishing rights out the window for each and every of those snapshots. I don't care. They're not really meant for publishing in the first place.

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